Monday, July 1, 2013

Independent learning - Music video factsheet

What is the purpose of a music video in the digital age?
The purpose of a music video is to sell products such as the song, album and related merchandise. However they are a strange way of advertising as they give the song and the video, two of the main products, to the audience for free when played in public. This was too problematic before the digital age.

The content of VEVO is syndicated to YouTube in the UK with YouTube and Google receiving a share of the advertising revenue for official versions of videos uploaded by a third party.

Movement - the video compliments the rhythm of the song.
Narrative - a storyline which may be linked to the lyrics of the song.
Band or Artist - footage of the band or artist performing or lip-syncing.
Intertextuality - references to another media product such as a film or another music video.

Music videos often uses generic convections such as certain styles of clothing to illustrate what genre the song is. For example bling in a rap video.

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