Sunday, September 29, 2013

Textual analysis of a music video: Club Tropicana - Wham!

Club Tropicana – Wham!
The video features the main characters of the music video in nearly every shot in the video.
There is 30 seconds of ambience at the start of the video this is done to show how secluded and exclusive the resort where this music video is set is. The rest of the sound is the song which plays for the next/remaining 4 minutes of the song
Camera Angles
The majority of the camera angles which are used when the artists are singing in this video are close ups and long shots (which show the full bodies of the artists). Mid-shots are used on artists, when they are not singing, and the other main characters in the video. An establishing shot is at the start of the video just like it would be in a film, setting the  scene.
There is a frequent use of cross-fades in this music video. They are used to emphasise the passing of time and changes of scene.
This music video really just follows 2 groups of people, 2 guys (who we later discover are pilots) and 2 girls (who we later discover are air hostesses), on their holiday. Despite occasionally trading glances this video doesn’t follow the traditional pop cliché of a guy chasing after a girl, even though if you were to look at the list of characters for this video you could get that impression.
The titling of this music video is similar to that of a film. This is because it has titles at the beginning for the name of the song (the equivalent of a film in this sense) and the main stars of the video. There are also credits at the end which list the cast, cameraman , editor, producer, director and record label (which would be the equivalent of the production company)

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