Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Student music video analysis - Better Together

Student music video – Better Together
There is a variey of moving shots and still images in this music video. The still images start 45 seconds in and end 62 seconds in and are shown as a slide show of the 2 gnomes who have travelled all over the world together.
       The song is playing throughout the music video from start to finish.
Camera Angles
A variety of camera angles ranging from extreme close-ups to extreme long shots (not quite establishing shots). The majority of shots used when both gnomes are on screen are long shots. Whereas when just the male gnome is on screen the camera angles used are primarily mid shots.
Crossfades and Stop motion editing are use to emphasise the passing of time. A blue/greyish colour filters are used to show how the male gnome’s world is dull and grey when the female gnome is not around. Black and white tones are used to show flashbacks where the male gnome is reflecting on past times he has spent with the female gnome.
The narrative of this music video is a love story between 2 gnomes.
There are no titles used in this video.

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