Friday, October 18, 2013

Student music video analysis – Come Together cover

Student music video – Come Together cover
There are several situations in this video where the band are copying an action from a famous photograph or image of The Beatles
      The song is playing throughout the music video from start to finish. The song itself is a cover of Come Together by The Beatles. However this group has used original sound.
Camera Angles
There is a variety of camera angles used ranging all of the way from extreme close-ups to extreme long shots (not quite establishing shots).
There is the use of cut through black for every cut between shots in the first 15 seconds of the video. When the split screens are in progress there is a frequent use of the wipe transition when bringing shots in and out and the use of crossfades and cut through blacks when changing between shots in the split screens. There is the use of stop motion editing every time the iconic line from the song “come together right now over me” is sung. There are several situations in this video where the band are copying an action from a famous photograph or image of The Beatles, every time this happens the image is shown faded on top of the music video footage. Footage is split between being shown in black and white as well as in colour.
There is no story telling narrative in this video. This is because the majority of footage we see is the band practising, hanging out and relaxing.
At the start of the video we see the only titles used. These read the song “Come Together Cover” and the artist “Guys In White Dresses”. These titles are located in the bottom left corner like they would be on some music channels alongside titles for the director and record company.

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